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Thank you to the volunteers at our August workday!



About Us

Supported primarily by a dedicated property tax, the Penrose Park & Recreation District maintains and improves Penrose Park in Penrose, Colorado. The location is 401 Park Place, two blocks east of Highway 115. The nearly 8-acre public facility includes playgrounds, basketball/pickleball and volleyball courts, an athletic field and a horseshoe pit. Other amenities are a community center, pavilion and gazebo, any of which can be rented for events. Park improvements in 2020 included an updated sprinkler system and over an acre of new grass, four shade structures and more than 30 trees. The district's Board of Directors are developing plans to upgrade the park further in 2021.

Park improvements in the last year have included a basketball court, updated sprinkler system and over an acre of new grass, four shade structures and more than 30 trees. The district's Board of Directors is developing plans to upgrade the park further in 2021.

The public can rent or reserve certain Penrose Park facilities or rent space as vendors For more information on that, please visit our local website at

Regular meetings of the district's Board of Directors are the first Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at the park, 401 Park Place. The public is invited to attend, and volunteers are always welcome! Board workshops (to prepare for the meetings) are on the last Tuesday of the month, also at 9 a.m. Special meetings are also called as needed, and will be posted in advance on this web page.

Upcoming Event or Special Meeting

We have scheduled a sports camp for Penrose Elementary students May 12-13, where they will learn basic skills in several sports. Note that this is not a public event. The Penrose Park & Recreation District’s annual Easter Event April 3 was a great success. (To see photos, go to our local website at More than 100 people joined in the fun, which included breakfast, games and candy/prize hunts for three age groups between 0 and 12. Thanks to all our volunteers for helping the Park Board with this event!




February 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday